How to enhance your brainpower in English?

Saba Aslam
6 min readJan 13, 2022

A newborn neither can speak nor have a language sense but expresses the feelings by crying to show his starvation, discomfort or any problem. When the baby grows up, he starts to smile, crawl and try to speak some broken words. After some years goes to school, communicate with teachers, class fellows, learns new words, makes sentences, applies in his life so in this way he collected a lot of vocabulary by listening, understanding & speaking so in this way he takes a complete hold on his language.

In our daily life, we use our mother or national languages to the conversation in our surroundings e.g family, friends, school/college fellows, collaborators and our social circle. No doubt, every language has a vast entity to articulate in the society but there is constantly a need to learn a new unfamiliar language to articulate out of the community, out of the inhabitants.

English is a multinational language. From an early age, we start to read, write and somehow speak but feel shy, hesitate to speak English. The main reason is that we just learn English as a syllabus, not a dialect so that’s why we lost all our confidence. We internally want to speak English but externally starts sweating when we try to speak. It’s not hilarious, it is a critical issue that should be the end of as convenient.

Why we loss confidence in speaking English ?

That is a great question. No matter what language we are learning, we would all love to speak more confidently.

  • The factors that influence a speaker’s or writer’s choice of language to vary, and they include the context that surrounds the speaker or writer, the age, gender, culture, etc.
  • Secondly, students lack English foundation background.
  • Third, students lack the confidence to use English because they are afraid of mistakes and shy feeling.
  • Fourth, the curriculum is inappropriate for helping students to improve their English proficiency.
  • Fifth, the result also found that grammar, pronunciation, and knowledge of vocabulary were the factors inhibiting the students in speaking. In addition, the students also got more influence from the effective factor as the first main factor inhibiting the students in learning to speak English.
  • Sixth, performance can be affected by the factors that come from performance conditions (time pressure, planning, standard of performance and amount of support), affective factors (such as motivation, confidence and anxiety), listening ability and feedback during speaking activities.
  • Seventh, problems that most students faced in speaking was 'having a lack of voca- bulary’, 'not being confident to speak’, 'not being used to talking in class’, and 'difficulty expressing words or sentences. ' The cause of problems most students faced was 'being afraid of making errors.

How to improve English speaking skills instantly?


There is big difference between

We hear thousands of words daily in News, Morning/Talk Shows or Interviews but mostly don’t concentrate on it.

When listening, we are reviewing a lot of English usages such as vocabulary, grammatical structures, intonation, accent and our interpretation. We can learn new words and expressions by hearing them frequently. In other words, Paying attention and truly listening to someone underpins good communication.


Get Familiar with Different English Accents as like American, Canadian, Australian accents. Start thinking with single words, nouns and then add in verbs. The next task is thinking in simple sentences then thinking in conversation. Imitate Native Pronunciation, article & punctuation. Learn the Flow of English. Use slang when you speak English. Learn English idioms and phrases.


The way our body is positioned when we talk to someone is a form of communication. There are three elements in communication: words, the tone of voice and
Physical Expression:
Eye contact
Hands and Arms
Posture and Composure


Plan your questions. Know your purpose. Open conversation. Speak your listener’s language. Use neutral wording. 
Follow general questions with specific ones. Focus your questions so they ask one thing at a time. Ask only essential questions. It’s okay to clarify, be brief and to the point.


Taking notes in class or a meeting can be a challenge. If you’re a non-native speaker, it can be even more challenging. Make sure that your attention is always on the speaker rather than your notes. If you aren’t able to write down something, just get one keyword and move on.


A common problem among foreign-language speakers can be to speak too quickly. There’s nothing wrong with speaking slower than the average person – the heck, there are plenty of native English speakers speaking quite slowly.


Carry yourself with confidence. Stand tall. Be prepared. Know your stuff, whenever you enter any important conversation, speech or meeting. 
Speak clearly and avoid “umms”
Don’t fill the silence with nervous chatter.


This emphasis tells the listener what’s important in the sentence and brings clarity of meaning. This type of inflexion could be to get louder or go up to a higher pitch on certain words which creates variety and calls attention to the important words of a sentence. The same sentence said with different emphasis has very different meanings.


Talking to your reflection can make you feel like you are having a conversation and will encourage you to experiment with an expansive vocabulary and new topics. Psychologically, mirror practice makes you more energetic and confident than the crowd.



Improve your English pronunciation. Listen & Practice reading English out loud (read and speak). Learn phrases, not just individual words from real English conversations. The readout is loud. Learn a new word every day. Watch films. Make friends. Do interesting activities in English. Use your favourite technology. It has made our lives so much easier. Try the Verbal Community discussions. Narrate your day like a reality TV show. Translate everything, on Google Translator.

Written By: Saba Aslam

